Thursday 29 October 2009

My intimate life.

Click the smaller images to see bigger, they would not fit on the screen...

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Idea 2

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This is all of my intimate life project work and some of my 101MC everyday imagery.

Monday 5 October 2009

Time Lapse London

Last Friday our Media department at Coventry University embarked on a trip to the capital to see the sites, museums and galleries.

On our Photography course we are not just taught to use Photography to express our selves but to use 'lens based medias' if we want.

Since the last project we did involved a quote by Edward Weston: "I would say to any artist: 'Don't be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better'", i decided to use the Time Lapse setting on my G9. After this attempt was an alright attempt i thought i would have a crack at it again. This time i used the chair in front to stabilize the camera.

I think this video was a success to capturing the hustle and bustle of the capital, which i aimed to do, although I would of liked it to of been a bit of a wider angle. Also i tried to capture what was going on in front of the coach and what was happening at the side, but i think that pillar and the person in front may have took over the frame.

What you think?

P.S I had it bigger but i didn't fit on the page very well.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Macro Weekend

On the last week before going to University, the wether was quite good so I thought I would go out and try my hand at more macro shots. What brought this on was the fact that the Friday before there was a dragonfly on a ornament and it kept coming back. Naturally I went off and got my camera, macro lens and extension tubes.

The first Dragonfly (Common Darter I think)

Darter Dragonfly

That following weekend I thought it would be a good idea to try my hand at using the flash gun on a cord to capture macro shots of insects and plants, mainly the insects though, oh and the spiders.

Orb Web Spider

Orb Web Spider

Nursery Web Spider

Nursery Web Spider

Shield Beetle Nymph

Palomena Prasina Nymph

Oh, and look who came back =)


Darter Dragonfly

The only problem with picturing dragonflies on a warm day:

Darter Dragonfly on my knee

They land on you. This a shot of one that landed on my knee while in a neighbour's garden. The one from the other day landed on my back while I was looking at the pictures on my LCD. That didn't exactly help the situations. Next thing I know though is that I could hear a slight crunching sound, the damn thing was using me as a table and was eating the flies or something that were around somewhere.

Also another problem, Cats. After a while of reviewing and loosing the Dragonfly over the fence, I noticed the neighbour's cat (Millie) going into a pounce position, then walk... Then she struck! She turned around with the body of a Dragonfly hanging out of her mouth! She didn't get any fuss off me for a few days after.

Monday 6 July 2009

Godiva Festival 2009

So, the Godiva Festival has just passed. The time for most of Coventry City (U.K) to get together, (most of which will get drunk by the end of the nights) and listen to some live music from upcomming and hometown bands.

For those that don't know what it is then it's basically a festival with live music and acts and few fair ground rides at the Coventry War Memorial Park. It starts Friday nights and ends Sunday nights. Oh and theres usually a procession running from the town centre upto the Park.

Best of all IT'S FREE to get in!

This event has seen the likes of The Enemy, Pint Shot Riot , Idlewild, The Twang and Leo Sayer.

On the Saturday (04/07/09)I naturally took my camera and aimed my focus on getting some live band photos.

First up was the Rhythm Tent. This Saturday was Ecorhythmclub and so featured Salsa and Blues to Hip-Hop.

When we Arrived Blind pirates rhythm & blues band were up on stage.

Next we moved to the Electric Main Stage, where it was Rock day. We missed the first few acts and so we started with:

Echo Empire

The Final act we saw was Pint Shot Riot

Overall the event was pretty good and will be going again next year. Last year i went but was not able to get most of the acts.

Shooting information:

+ Canon EOS 400D
+ 70-300 IS USM f/4.0-5.6
+ ISO 100-1600 (Mainly 400 odd ones at 1600)

My Flickr,

Saturday 3 January 2009

My take on John Hilliard

For an A2 project we had to deal with photomontages, I found one example by John Hilliard (See Below). This then inspired me to do my own version.


For john Hilliards work I believe that he used a slow shutter speed on the left on a tripod to capture the movement of the flowing waterfall and a panning motion on the right to match the speed of the water. Either way he captures the motion and speed fairly well and put them together to give two versions of one image, that would not normally be seen in one image, making an interesting picture of its own but also probably something that wasn't seen in and around of the time.

Therefore as said, this inspired me to take me own version, although with my own twist on the idea.

Here it is:

Two in one

With my version I used the left hand side to capture the detail in the rocks and ice plus show the motion of the waterfall like Hilliard did. Although with the right hand side, instead of the panning technique I used a faster shutter speed to capture more detail in the water itself. I am not that skilled at photoshop so to mix the two together I just put them on top of each other so they roughly matched and then deleted one half of the picture and obviously merged them into one and converted to black and white.